Trauma-Informed Somatic, Relational & Sexual Recovery

Cosmic Midwife of the Soul

You belong here.

I’ll hold and guide you over thresholds.

As you birth new ways of being in yourself and the world.

I work at the intersection between sensual somatics, womb-work, sacred sexuality and plant medicine. This work is open to all bodies and gender identities.

Together, we’ll work on dearmoring physical, emotional, and energetic spaces within yourself so you can open up to life.

Step into yourself. Step into your authentic desires and expression so you can share your unique gifts with the world.

Dearmoring allows you to open up to giving and receiving so you can experience satisfying and nurturing relationships with yourself, others, and the natural world.

So you may live a life in love.

The journey and the work look different for every person and every body.

Because of this, I offer many pathways to engage with this work.

Common Reasons People Want to Work with Me

Body, sexual, and soul liberation

Healing trauma from sexual violence, childhood abuse and neglect

Developing body acceptance, love, and confidence

Reclaiming your voice and stepping into authentic expression

Uncovering desire and exploring pleasure while releasing shame

Experiencing conscious touch and non-judgmental acceptance

Learning to receive love and care

Improving your skills in communication for nurturing and satisfying relationships

Cultivating a felt sense of saftey and belonging

Deepening your relationship to spirit, the elements, and ritual

I’m Ariel, a midwife of the soul.

I am passionate about helping you find empowerment, embodiment, self-love, and freedom.

I am dedicated to supporting you in remembering your interdependence, inherent value, and connection to the Earth and Cosmos. 

I am committed to a life of service as a midwife for collective liberation. Supporting you in reclaiming and remembering. Formally trained as a Somatic Sex Educator, Sexological Bodyworker, and Somatic Psychedelic Therapist, I walk the shamanic path in service to the earth and plant medicine.

Ariel is truly a midwife of the soul, creating deeply needed space for you to not only sit with your feelings and sensations but gently explore and move through the root cause. I cannot sing her praises enough! She has a brilliant, nurturing energy that soothes your mind, calms your heart and calls your spirit home.
— Annetta

We all desire connection. Yet we can struggle with the ability to decipher what it is we even want in relationship. We can lose our voice in asking for what we need, in setting boundaries and in saying no and yes.

We can can struggle with hearing another’s no, fearful we will not get our needs met.

We can struggle with saying yes to what we desire most, fearful it will disappear or we don’t deserve it.

We can lose ourselves in other people’s desires.

We can become closed off from receiving love and care from others.

We create layers of armor, hiding away, desperate to feel safe.

Ariel - words can truly not capture the gratitude I feel. The depth and intimacy of the healing you midwifed in me is so profound. And reached places no other therapy could reach. We de-shamed desire. De-shamed pleasure. De-shamed the body. Healed a pre-verbal hungry ghost state of sexualized deprivation. I came to you fragmented and on the brink of a break up. You have officially saved my marriage and helped make me whole.
— Mike

Our Eros; life force energy; erotic energy. 

It is the energy of creation, expression, and aliveness that moves through us.

When we learn to free up, break free from shame, and come into right relationship with our eros, we become unstoppable forces of empowerment and creation. 

We cultivate more joy and live deeply satisfying lives. 


We can access our Eros through our sensual body.

Most therapeutic and healing environments fall short in providing space to reconnect with sensuality and reclaim sexuality. We need spaces of permission that allow for the unfolding of our desires and support us in developing the skills and tools to navigate relationships and sexual exchanges.

We need a non-charged safe enough and brave container to practice these skills and tools in. To build our capacity for intimacy with ourselves and others.